PPH is where a bookmaker can pay a small fee every week to the software house for each head (user) in exchange for the provision of top end betting software. Pay Per Head is changing the way bookmakers are venturing online. It enables any bookie at all to run top end betting software. In this article I will be explaining the advantages of using pay per head software over developing your own.
Pay Per Head software enables any bookmaker to have the ability to operate and manage their whole online operation from one software. In general the pay per head supplier will set a weekly fee for each player for the bookie. Put simply, every time a new user signs up for your online betting website you will pay a fee on a weekly basis to the software provider.
One thing to note is that pay per head services are not specifically per sports but betters. Pay per head not only offer sportsbook software but the services also offer great online casino options. Sportsbooks are generally the reason that people sign up for the service, but online casinos are genrally offered as well. This offers a great incentive to keep customer engaged. When sports are out of season the online casino is a great way that bookies can keep their user interest levels up and still make money out of season. A real bonus is that it keeps users active so when the sports come back they are the first place they visit to place their bets.
If you have been considering starting an online sports book then pay per head software is the answer to your problems. The software allows the users to have a great experience but also gives the operator full control over absolutely ever part of their online business. The operator can control everything from betting limits to granting exceptions for those 'special customers'. Pay per view is for you if you want the safety of industry leading security and monitoring of player activities.
It is essential that you do your research correctly when choosing pay per head software. There are quite a few providers that will simply give you the software and pretty much leave it up to you to work it out. I have been using pay per head software for a few years and after a couple of other companies I am currently using Premier Pay Per Head who I have found to be excellent in comparison to the others. I have used a total of 3 providers of pay per head software. On both of these occasions I have not had the support that I have now.
For me it is extremely important for the pay per head software provider to give fast lines. As a real money casino owner you will know what that means and understand the importance of it. After trying the other service providers I found Premier to have the fastest lines of any company I've tried. They are also suited to just about any size company. Even if you're just a new business or an established bookmaker they will be up to help. Either way they will be able to cater for your needs.
As I mentioned before having fast lines is the key to success for any online betting. The whole idea is that the bookmaker should be able to offer the correct odds and be one step ahead of the customer. When you've got a good Pay Per Head had software you will be able to operate at the same speeds as the major online bookmakers. At Premier pay per head they sure that your lines are moving as fast as the multinationals.
It's common sense that running and promoting a business is the most important thing you have to do. By using pay per head software it gives you the bookmaker time to do this. There is no more sitting all day on the telephone and writing down bets.
This is particularly important when you are offering live betting. The online betting industry is moving with the times and in order to keep moving with it everyone is to be moving online.